The Passion for Awareness Award



The Reviewer

The Timeline




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Review Status

Myasthenia Gravis (The main site)


If your site meets the minimum qualifications and isn't immediately disqualified, then you will see your status here.

When I email you and let you know that I have received your application, I will provide you with a code number. This will protect your privacy and also allow you to see where you are with the award process.

Queued means that I've received your application but there are either others ahead of you, or I haven't had the opportunity to proceed. Stage one is the initial pass...I look at the site for any glaring, initial disqualifiers. Stage two takes the longest. This is where I look over the site in detail and use the score sheet to determine your score.

Once the review process has been completed, your code number and status will be removed from this page.

Please allow 2 extra weeks for your review to be completed. I am having major surgery Monday, Oct 6 and will be in the hospital appx. 1 1/2 weeks for recovery.

This will put the total time from application to award right at 4 weeks, which is still within acceptable time frames based on other awards. I apologize for the wait!


Code Number

Date Received Queued

 Stage One

 Stage Two