The Passion for Awareness Award

So, you feel your site is ready for evaluation? Please fill out the form. If you have trouble with the form or your browser doesn't support them, you may send me an EMAIL with the following information:

**I have had database issues on the server; any applications that were submitted for the month of October have been lost. Please resubmit your application. Any application submitted before November 1 will need to be resubmitted. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused :( **

First Name
Last Name

Your age?

Have you read the Qualifications and Disqualifications?

Yes No

If you receive an award from us, do you agree to display it on your site and link it back to us?

Yes No

If you win an award from us, do you allow us to make a screenshot of your main page and display it, along with your URL on our winner's page?

Yes No

Please enter your URL

Give a brief description of your site

What is it that you are passionate about or on what subject are you trying to inform or educate the internet community? What makes your site eligible for the Passion of Awareness Award?

How did you hear about our award?

           TOP OF FORM

If the form is submitted successfully, you will automatically be returned to the main awards page.

I certainly wish everyone the best of luck!


Copyright © 2003 Passion for Awareness Awards All rights reserved.
Revised: 11/03/03