The Passion for Awareness Award



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Myasthenia Gravis

(The main site)

UWSAG Member - Alpha

The Award Giver's Creed 

Member of The Award Awards

RD Award Listing

Privacy: This site respects your privacy. Any and all information given to this site by e-mail or any other way (via forms, etc.) will be kept confidential and will not be sold or otherwise disclosed to any third parties. We do not accept nor collect information from children under the age of 16. Although this is a family safe site, some material may point to external sites. We have no control over the content and or privacy practices of external sites, although we do try to make sure we do not link to sites such as this. If you should find such a site, please email me and let me know the link and to which site it points.

*Special thanks to Dee's Dream World for all her patience, help and guidance.


To qualify your site must:
  • We like to see personal sites, which may apply for an award here at The Passion for Awareness Awards. Please no commercial or business sites. The  website should be written in English or have an English version. It would be very hard to evaluate a site in another language when I don't understand it :)

  • Show passion; a love of the subject or sincere desire to reach as many people as possible to inform and educate. This should come through by your site's contents, design and navigation. There should be some type of emotion that strikes the viewer. Regular home pages need to have a professional flare in order to accomplish this.

  • Please have at least five pages of useful content: this excludes guest books, awards received pages, forum entries, chat rooms and web-rings or just only links. We like too see the content on your site be interesting and informative to the world wide web in general.

  • Be family friendly. I expect to see a family/child safe designation such as Safe Surf, ICRA, iClass or the like as well as in the HTML coding.

  • You must be 16 or over to apply.

  • Please have an award won section within the site; we would like to see that the awards are linked back to the site that awarded the award to you.

  • If at anytime that something is used on your site that is not created by you, proper credit should be given to the artist or author of the work that you are using. Your work should have a copyright statement as well to protect the work that you have created.

  • When there is music on the site, please give a way to turn the music off.

  • Pop ups - there should not be any more than one on the site. Unless it is generated from a free server, try not to add to that.

  • A Privacy statement should be present on the site, if any information is collected from anyone. This even includes the use of a guest book.

  • A well-organized site makes all the difference when we visit. This includes the navigation of the site and the structure of each element of the site.

  • Spelling and grammar must be correct.

  • Have a uniform and consistent appearance in design, navigation and structure. Your navigation system should be user friendly, and consistent throughout your site. This would include that it be all the same place, and the same navigation throughout the site.

  • Loading time of the site should be reasonable. The pages within the site should not exceed 1 minute on a 56 k modem. If the site is graphic intense then please have a statement to that affect.

  • Flash intros are very nice and we've seen some that are very well done. Please include a skip intro with the flash introduction.

  • Animation are great, but please do not have more than two animation per page within the site. Now if they are on your award won pages this is understandable if they are awards.

  • Contain an email link or "contact me" information somewhere on your site.

  • When the visitors of your site are scanning through, make sure that they are able to get back to the home page without needing to use the back button on their browsers.

  • The internal and external links; well lets make sure that each of these work properly. The internal links open within your site and that the external links open up onto another browser page, so we do not lose your site in the process.




If any of these points are found then the evaluation will stop.

1. A theme that you are trying to convey must be present throughout the site.

2. Gaming sites and cheat sites are not eligible.

3. If the site crashes my computer or freezes my browser.

4. Any type of copyright infringement. This includes, written content, images, graphics or anything that you did not create and is someone else’s work without their permission for use of the item.

5.Sites found containing any form of violence, anarchy, illegal activity, or are illegal. Illegal activities are classified as but not restricted to information and/or links to warez, cracks, hacking, etc.

6. Pornography or any links to such on the site.

7. Any type of download that I need to use to view the site.

8. Pop-ups requesting that I enter my name, or pop-ups you have added to the site yourself unless they add to the site (I've only seen a fraction of these).

9. A site that contains any form of hatred towards others or animals.

10. The site that is submitted is family friendly, and the webmaster/mistress is 16 or over. The family friendly site needs to have the badge and or link classifying the site as family friendly.

11. The site should be in English if not then they site would not be eligible for an award.

12. If the site is password protected or a membership site. The site needs to be easily accessible to view without entering a password.

13. An application being resubmitted before the 30 day waiting period.

You may view a .pdf copy of the score sheet.
Please recheck your site once again before you submit it for review.

1. Is the site that you are about to submit a personal site?

2. Can I see the passion and theme of the site when I view the site?

3. Are there five pages of  quality content within the site when I look though the site?

4. Is the site I am going to view family friendly and are you over the age of 16?

5. Is there a page for the awards that you have earned?

6. Are the copyrights in place?

7. If music is added to the site, do I have a way of turning it off?

8. A privacy statement is included if you take any information from anyone?

9. Is there a consistency throughout the site with the design and navigation of the site?

10. Do I ever need to use the back button on my browser?

11. Do the external and internal links open in the correct windows?

12. Is there anything that needs down loading to view your site?

13. The site you are submitting is all in the English language?

14. Do you have the right click disabled?


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WWB Awards Committee Member